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Modem cum Router + Wireless Router + Computer / Router Setting + Port Forwarding


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I'm using a adsl modem with my wireless router. I need to do the following:

1) What Port is needed to be forwarded for better speed?

2) Which IP do I forward to?

3) Do i config port forwarding on the Modem? (My Modem is a Modem cum Router) or

4) Do i config on my Wireless Router?

Confused Mage


IP Addess:





//Wireless Router//

Local IP is


Internet IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

Static DNS:

//My Computer//

IP Address: is

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:



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You choose your own BitComet listen port. It doesn't matter which one you choose, they are all equal, but we recommend that you avoid possible conflict by picking one in the 40000-65535 range because these are all "spoken for" by one application or another -- most of which you will never use. So pick a port. Throw dice, flip darts, spin coins, whatever. Got your port picked?

Good. Now THAT port will be blocked by your router's built-in firewall unless you tell it otherwise. So tell it otherwise, let that port through.

Hmm, it wants one particular IP address to forward the port to. It won't forward unless you give it a specific IP. This is for security. If it just opened the port for everything connected to it, that would be a potential hazard, so it should be opened only to the IP address of the connected computer that is expecting to handle traffic on that port.

That IP address would be the IP of your computer.

In the default configuration for your computer and your router, the computer asks for and gets its IP address from the router. That address is dynamic: it changes. If you've got the port forwarded to your current IP address, and then that IP address changes, this port is no longer forwarded to your computer. It's forwarded to whatever OTHER computer on your LAN happens to be assigned that IP (so that computer's got an open port it isn't aware of), or if nobody gets that IP, then the traffic doesn't go anywhere and is dropped by the router because there's nobody to send it to. Meanwhile, your remote connections can't get to you any longer and your speed goes way down.

So getting a dynamic IP from the router is not a good idea here. Instead you need to establish a static IP, one that your router can handle, one that's outside the range of the addresses it tries to assign dynamically. Since it tries to assign its entire block dynamically, you simply reduce the range or size, of the dynamic pool. Give it maybe one or two dynamic addresses to be used by other computers or visiting laptops or whatever, depending on your needs. All of the rest of the range will be available as static addresses, so pick one of those and configure your computer to use it. Make very sure that no other device on your LAN has the same IP.

If your modem has a built-in firewall, and your wireless router has a firewall, how many firewalls do you need? Each one of them will block traffic, no matter what the status of the others is. It's like a bunch of gates, and only one of them has to be closed to block all the traffic, so it doesn't help that the others are open.

What else besides the router connects directly to the modem? Nothing? Then you don't need the modem's firewall, you can use the router's firewall only (because every computer on your LAN is behind it), and disable the modem's firewall. Or you can do it vice-versa. The objective is to make sure every computer is behind a firmware firewall; and to save headaches, that there's only one firewall to manage.

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