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Used to never have problems....

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I am using BitComet Version 0.70 (stable version).

I originally had upgraded to 0.77 and had problems. Cleared bitcomet from computer, reinstalled 0.70.

I do not connect to a router, I live in an apt building where I plug into the wall. I have windows firewall disables and I have McAfee as an Antivirus/firewall.

I keep getting Tracker statuses such as: Connecting Tracker to say Start, waiting for response

In the tracker tab, it says: Can't Connect Tracker(10060), waiting 100s to retry...

If you need more info please let me know.

I am trying to download many different torrents with many seeders, but I can't seem to connect and won't even list any peers. I haven't downloaded a thing since the new version was released.

I have used BitComet with NO TROUBLE in the past until recently

Here's my log script if that will help:

Default tracker optimization rules file loaded.

IP rules file: ipfilter.dat loaded, 0 entries.

Start Listening at TCP Port:xxxxx

Start Listening at UDP Port:xxxxx

BitComet 0.70 is running on:

CPU : Intel® Pentium® D CPU 3.00GHz 2992 MHz

RAM size : 1.99 GB

OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

Windows XP WF Status: TCP Port is not opened in Windows Firewall.

Windows XP WF Status: add TCP port in Windows Firewall Succeed.

Windows XP WF Status: UDP Port is not opened in Windows Firewall.

Windows XP WF Status: add UDP port in Windows Firewall Succeed.

Update Local IP: xxx.xxx.xx.xx (for privacy)

Windows XP ICS Status: cannot find working ICS.

Favourite sites file is updating from http://100.bitcomet.com/bitcomet/v0.64/fav/fav_en_us.xml

SearchPage file is updating from http://100.bitcomet.com/bitcomet/v0.59/sea...earch_en_us.mht

Preview_ad file is updating from http://adpage.bitcomet.com/bitcomet/adpage/preview-en-us.xml

SearchPage file updated to .C:\Program Files\BitComet\fav\search_en_us.mht

Favourite sites file downloaded .... failed in MD5 checking.

Windows XP UPnP Status: Found WANConnectionDevice [Microsoft] [http://www.microsoft.com/]

Windows XP UPnP Status: Found Service: WANIPConnection

Windows XP UPnP Status: WAN IP:

Windows XP UPnP Status: TCP Port Mapping Added!

Windows XP UPnP Status: UDP Port Mapping Added!

Mod Edit- IP and Port # hidden, for privacy

Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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Hi Metal,

I assume you're connected to a router. In the past you haven't had any problems, you wrote. Did the administrator of the router changed settings in port forwarding?

Anyway try this,

- disable ip.filter

- disable setting 2,3 and 4 in connections.


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Hi Metal,

I assume you're connected to a router. In the past you haven't had any problems, you wrote. Did the administrator of the router changed settings in port forwarding?

Anyway try this,

- disable ip.filter

- disable setting 2,3 and 4 in connections.


To my knowledge, no one has changed any router settings. This all happened when I tried to upgrade to 0.77. I noticed nothing worked, so I went back to 0.70 and I still can't connect to any trackers.

I tried disabling the ip.filter and settings 2,3,4 in connections.

Any other suggestions?

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To my knowledge, no one has changed any router settings. This all happened when I tried to upgrade to 0.77. I noticed nothing worked, so I went back to 0.70 and I still can't connect to any trackers.

I tried disabling the ip.filter and settings 2,3,4 in connections.

Any other suggestions?

Well I've done a few things now to try and help my situation.

1. I've set up a static IP-address and port forwarded my router.

2. I upgraded to 0.79 and I actually was able to connect to peers, but still not downloading. I also now get something that says: Tracker Connection Error: 0.

3. I spoke with my ISP, they have not blocked any ports or done anything to hinder downloading. The guys how manages it is really cool and says he downloads all the time.

Repeating for the admins: my ISP is NOT the PROBLEM.

There has to be something wrong with BitComet. It makes no sense that everything is working fine and then a new version is released and now I can't download a thing. Obviously the developers of bitcomet aren't as bright as we all thought they were.

Also, I very much doubt I will get a response from any of the tech support staff or forum admins. I get the feeling from many of the threads that the tech support just enjoys telling people what they are doing wrong and don't give very clear instructions or suggestions to help your problem, all the answers are very vague. That is of course if they even answer you at all. It seems they put a lot more detail in telling people to provide more info and detail of their problem than actually helping those who do provide information with their problems.

I'm overall very disappointed with BitComet and it's "help" forum.

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That certainly makes me want to jump in and try to help. I guess what amazes me most is the sense of entitlement that comes through. All of us are volunteering our time, mostly to answer the same repetitive questions from people who won't read, won't search the forum, won't use Google, and expect all the answers just handed to them without any effort on their part.

An example of this would be using Google to look up exactly what the error code 10060 might happen to mean? I found out myself, long ago, when I did my own homework, looked it up, actually lifted a finger to try to help myself. Once I did, I could point out, over and over, in different forums, that error codes like that are WinSock errors, easily findable on the web, which will help someone to diagnose their problem. It's generally more effective than moaning and whinging that you haven't been handed everything on a platter.

There's a downside to that, of course. If you DO look up that error code, and figure out what it means, you end up looking a little bit stupid for crying about it here and blaming BitComet for your problems. But don't worry about that, we've had to kinda get used to stupidity.

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That certainly makes me want to jump in and try to help. I guess what amazes me most is the sense of entitlement that comes through. All of us are volunteering our time, mostly to answer the same repetitive questions from people who won't read, won't search the forum, won't use Google, and expect all the answers just handed to them without any effort on their part.

An example of this would be using Google to look up exactly what the error code 10060 might happen to mean? I found out myself, long ago, when I did my own homework, looked it up, actually lifted a finger to try to help myself. Once I did, I could point out, over and over, in different forums, that error codes like that are WinSock errors, easily findable on the web, which will help someone to diagnose their problem. It's generally more effective than moaning and whinging that you haven't been handed everything on a platter.

There's a downside to that, of course. If you DO look up that error code, and figure out what it means, you end up looking a little bit stupid for crying about it here and blaming BitComet for your problems. But don't worry about that, we've had to kinda get used to stupidity.

I'm almost positive my thread was referring to your superiority complex, but I guess I misjudged your reading comprehension. I simply made an observation, maybe you could've accepted it like a man as constructive criticism. I never demanded anything, I made a post for help in a help forum and didn't really expect a real answer (as mentioned in my previous post).

Funny that you mention using google as a resource to find information, I use it at least 10 times a day for my job. Maybe you should try googling your next bitcomet problem, you'll probably find that it brings up THIS FORUM. How do you think I found this page?

As intelligent as you guys may try to make others think who read this forum, you obviously don't have very many answers. Anyone who actually provides information you just throw out a guess to maybe how to fix it. Given you can't give a definate answer without physically troubleshooting everyones computer/connection so I don't expect one. But, it just seems to me that you spend more effort in telling others to post more info than actually making suggestions for those who do provide info.

P.S. Just admit it, BitComet is going to s*** and you guys know it. The new versions obviously have some major issues. That's why you don't have answers. Why don't you just try being honest next time, I don't need your help, you obviously couldn't provide it anyway.

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