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Does bitcoment work on university LAN?


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Hey i don't know if someone already answered this question but i'm using my universities LAN Connection and i can't seem to get bitcomet to connection, i know that it something about their connection that stops me from using bitcomet but is their anyway around it so i can downnload file?

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It is very possible they do not allow p2p downloading such as bit torrent.

If you do use it, you must accept the risk (read as "you could be expelled).

Most schools have all users behind a firewall, so remote connections will be hard to establish. You can use a proxy for communications, this COULD help to receive remote connections, but if your network admin is knowledgeable, this might not be possible.

You should also enable NAT transversal, which may, or may not help.

Another option would be to disable your listening port, but this would be VERY slow, if it works at all.

I know alot of students run their torrents on a home computer, then transfer the finished files in a more direct way, since most schools allow users to connect to home computer to transfer files. However, you could still run into problems if your bandwidth usage is high.


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So is their anyway to bypass the firewall and what is Proxy and how do you use that because i enable the NAT transversal and turned off port listening but it didn't make a difference. i'm useing the new bitcomet 0.77 and also it keep saying i'm not connected to any node.. have any idea of how you can help me wit this?

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You may not be expelled, but the more usual sanction is to just turn off the network port in your room for a semester or the year. If that's done, you will have to use whatever public facility you can find, like making a reservation for a computer in the library. Or they may disable your university account entirely, so you can't log in to their network at all. It's not a good idea to take this lightly.

As for what a proxy is, Google is your friend. So is reading, generally.

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