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Bitcomet on Windows Vista or XP + Windows desktop search problem


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This is an a problem with vista relating to the location of your download, and your permissions to view the files there.

Vista doesn't allow you (by default) to view files within your "program files" folder.

One of our members has posted a very easy fix for this.

Or you could just select a different location to save your files.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  The UnUsual Suspect said:

This is an a problem with vista relating to the location of your download, and your permissions to view the files there.

Vista doesn't allow you (by default) to view files within your "program files" folder.

One of our members has posted a very easy fix for this.

Or you could just select a different location to save your files.


Changing save location made no discernable difference,

If another member has posted a 'very easy fix' please advise location.

Thank you

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The problem is with Windows XP and Windows desktop search 3 installed on it. No matter where is the download. Index only AVI and MP3, the txt,doc, iso .....etc, don't! There is no problem with µTorrent. I hope in future Bitcomet to work fine, too !?

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In your title you indicated this was a Vista problem, so is it Vista or XP?

If the files are there to be indexed (you can find them with Windows Explorer), then this is a Windows problem, not a BitComet problem. You may want to look at the parameter settings for the index. Once a file is downloaded, it makes absolutely no difference whether it was downloaded with one client or another. The only difference that does exist is not in the files themselves, but in the default download locations. BitComet's default is in the Program Files tree, to which many restrictions apply, while µtorrent's default is in the Application Data tree.

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  kluelos said:

In your title you indicated this was a Vista problem, so is it Vista or XP?

If the files are there to be indexed (you can find them with Windows Explorer), then this is a Windows problem, not a BitComet problem. You may want to look at the parameter settings for the index. Once a file is downloaded, it makes absolutely no difference whether it was downloaded with one client or another. The only difference that does exist is not in the files themselves, but in the default download locations. BitComet's default is in the Program Files tree, to which many restrictions apply, while µtorrent's default is in the Application Data tree.

the problem is with vista and xp with windows desktop search 3, too.

I don't know which problem is, but the problem is appearing on my two OS with bitcomet. I always save on desktop or My documents folders. No matter what is default

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i wrote to microsoft communities for the problem and i wait for reply. It is very strange with all other clients to be ok, and all other programs, only bitcomet and the problem to be in WDS. However, i wait for reply from MS.

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It seems this is not related to the common windows vista problem. Windows Vista doesn't allow users to view files within the "program files" folder.

As I stated, someone did post a simple fix to make the files viewable, and I'm sure you can find it just as easy as I could.

As for the files indexing, could it be that they aren't indexed until the download is complete? By default, Bit Comet adds ".bc!" extension to partial files, so perhaps that is the reason?


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Windows Vista doesn't allow users to view files within the "program files" folder - yes, but downloads are in desktop folder. The problem is with WinXP Pro + Windows desktop search 3 too, which index the same way as Vista.

Whell, by default is indexing bc! extension. Index to me all the bc! files, but when download is complete index only avi and mp3's. I tried to remove the bc extension to downloads, i tried to remove indexing of bc! - everything is the same. As i said, the problem is only with bitcomet :( (my fav software :))

EDIT: Sorry for my bad english, i am from Bulgaria )

EDIT2: offtopic : free for bulgarian medics in Libia!

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XP & Vista do not index the same way, Vista's is actually better.

Let's try this. Uninstall BitComet and then reinstall BitComet. Only install it into "My Documents" on the Vista computer. You should either be using 0.70 or 0.80. You can use 0.79 if 0.80 gives you trouble.

The basic problem here is that Vista has a lot of new security and it's great in all but it's a royal pain to set it all up because Vista is an anal OS.

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I installed it. Still same, but i saw something : when downloading, index the bc, when finish - shows that is reduced indexing because disk activity. After few seconds shows Index complete, but the files are not indexed. In XP shows x files waiting to be indexed, after few seconds shows 0, but not indexing again. XP has a option "index now" that indexing is working no matter am i running programs or not. Again shows ..files for indexing, after very litle time - 0, not indexed again..

EDIT: i turned off UAC, Windows defender. I don't like them. Using administrator.

EDIT2: In xp look that:


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  Dark_Shroud said:
I have never seen something like that before. Try saving the files somewhere else or turn off the indexing. This shouldn't affect the content you're downloading.

If I rebuild the index will be fine. But i have to rebuild it evry time. I downloaded files to desktop, My docs, default directory in program files. I have no other partitions except C:

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I'm largely guessing, but this would be plausible. Search indexes the directory, and then it leaves a little marker that says, "This is indexed already". (MSOffice used to have this godawful tool, "Fast Find" or something like that, and in it's first incarnations it would reindex at the twitch of a mouse. Really bogged things down. I suspect they tried something like this trick instead.)

That's fine until BitComet finishes the download and changes the extension back. Now it's not in the index under that name anymore, and won't be until the index is rebuilt.

You can tell BC not to change the extensions for partial downloads. Try that and see if it makes the problem go away. (Of course that means you can't tell at a glance which files have completed or not, but them's the breaks.)

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  kluelos said:
You can tell BC not to change the extensions for partial downloads. Try that and see if it makes the problem go away. (Of course that means you can't tell at a glance which files have completed or not, but them's the breaks.)

i am not sure that undestand you correct, but if you mean to try to disable bitcomet to change unfinished downloads to bc! extension - didn't help. When files are downloading, at that time index mp3-s and avi's only :( Really confused :(

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