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Does BC still support UDP NAT Traversal?

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I've been using BC for quite a while now, but I haven't upgraded for a little under a year. I just saw that there is a new version, so I installed it (0.79), but the transfers don't seem to be nearly as effective as before. I looked through the settings and didn't see the old settings related to UDP NAT traversal:

Options > Preferences > Advanced > Connection > "Use NAT Traversal via UDP"

I have UPNP turned off in my router (I don't want it turned on), and my ISP ratelimits BitTorrent traffic, so BC has always worked like a champ using UDP.

Is it gone? The wiki on the main website which is on the menu for FAQ or Help both return an HTTP 400 error, but the older faq (linked from the feature list), still lists that it has UDP NAT Traversal. I've searched the forums, but having seen anything concerning it - HELP!!! :)

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