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Once I get to 99.x%, why does my speed suddenly drop to ~1 kBps / 0 kBps?

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Well, as I was typing this question, I think I might've answered it for myself. Does my speed drop because there aren't enough files left for me do download, and i'm at the point where the download is basically finished? I had 2 torrents I was downloading and once I double clicked each of them, they suddenly showed 100% completion. Could someone confirm this for me?

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When a torrent is nearly finished, the transfer mode changes slightly. I am not certain that it was implemented correctly in post-0.70 versions, so if you're using one (which you didn't say), this might be involved.

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Exactly the same has been happening to me since i installed 0.79. All the downloads seem to stop at around 99.9%. HOWEVER long you leave them. But if you double click the name (to stop it). It jumps to 100% and ends quite happily.

I've mentioned this several times before in various threads, but we get is "go back to 0.70" (sorry :mellow: ). I think there really might be a problem.

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youre prolem might be whith the hash check might be that the hsh ckeck,you had downloaded a bad torrent and to veryfy that it takes 20 secs for a 300 meg file, and if the hash isn't corect it tells you that you have under 100% and might be that the torrent had very busy seders and coudnt upload to you...

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I don't think it's the hash check Dawin. Some downloads do the hash check after completion, some don't. You can see when it's doing the hash check because the little icon is an orange blob at the % zips up quite quickly.

It definately stops at 99.9% and the download rate drops to zero. Double clicking (to stop it) makes it jump to 100%. THEN (sometimes) it does the hash check.

It's not really a problem, you just have to keep your eyes open.

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