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Really Really slow d/l's


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Hi all

Not to bad on computers (kinda know what im doing)

I have downloaded bitcomet 0.79 and its thrown me. I cannot get above 10kbs. I am using win xp and am connected to a wireless router. I have 80 % signal strength!

There is no firewall on the router turned on and i have turned the 1 off on my computer!

I have checked prefs in botcomet and set all the download rates to max! I have downloaded the accelerator and this does nothing (OR DOES IT ????) I have tried setting random ports etc! I understand how the peers and seeds work and on the file im currently trying to downlod they are both in the hundreds!


Can any 1 help! be much appreciated!

Cheers again



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Hi Jacko,

First of all, I wouldn't recommend running without a firewall, or you will surely be infected with alot of bad stuff, possibly within minutes.

However, I suspect you do infact have a firewall on your router, as most routers do firewall all incoming connections.

What you should do first, is go to canyouseeme.org, and test your listening port. If the port reads as "open", then nothing is blocking it, but I'm pretty sure it will not read open, in which case you can do to Portforward.com

They have guides for setting up portforwarding for most routers. You will also need to setup a static IP address in windows, for ALL the computers using this router.

Another way to tell if your port is open would be to look at your list of peers. If there are both "local" and "remote" peers listed, then your port is open.

Once again, if you really have completely disabled your routers firewall, I strongly suggest you re enable it, and properly forward your port.

Once this is resolved, next step is to throughly go through our settings guide, and DO NOT skip the part about setting your max upload speed, this is VERY important to obtain good speeds.


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Hi, I got your PM, and sorry for taking so long to reply, but my internet connection is having severe problems.

Regarding setting up your router to open your listening port, I already answered that in my first post.

in which case you can do to Portforward.com They have guides for setting up portforwarding for most routers. You will also need to setup a static IP address in windows, for ALL the computers using this router.

although I seem to have made a typo, as I meant to write "go to portforward.com".

One test you can do is to connect your computer direct to the modem, bypassing the router. If your port then reads open, then all you need to do is configure your router.

If it still doesn't read open, then you have a firewall, or other security software installed that is blocking your port.


ps Note to Tech support team. Please help this member if I am unable to reply due to connection issues.

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First you should try to uninstall that Bitcomet Accelerator

It doesnt really do anything except give you malware.

I would recommend running Spybot S&D to make sure you have no malware

Then you should uninstall Bitcomet 0.79 and install v0.70 (link in sig)

Dont worry all your torrents and downloads will still be there.

After you install v0.70 then go the Settings Guide thoroughly (link in sig)

Like TUUS said, you should have at least one firewall running

preferably your hardware one (router)

Then use portforward.com to help you forward Bitcomets port through your router to your PC.

Go to the ^ site, choose routers, then choose your router(or one similar), then choose Bitcomet

it gives you good instructions with pictures.

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