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Can not play downloads .

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Hey i have downloaded a film and it seems to have a part called sample that it lets me play when i open that it is a windows media player opening and it plays like a sample only 50 seconds of the film i downloaded and when i try opening the full film it wont let me . When i got to the file i download things to it says

it has a little folder icon with the name of the film which is break up .

then has a little computer screen icon with a I logo in front of it thats called aster-tbu

then all like broken link logos names from 1 - 40

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Looked at the FAQ should of done this in the begining . Had to download winrar . Just one queston every time i want to view this film when i go to my downloads and there that little book icon do i have to keep like downloading it ?

To get somthing to play i go to my folder - click a book icon - then it comes up easter-tbu.part01.rar WinRAR evaluation copy . Then there is a windows icon i click it then it goes in to exstracting moad all the way to 100% then will play the film . Is there now way i can turn it in to window media player icon that will play right away when i press it


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I'm glad you found out how to extract your .rar archives.

In the future, you can "right click" and chose "extract here" anytime you want to extract .rar files.

Now, once you extracted the video, you can now delete the .rar files, as you won't need them since the video file is on your hard drive now.

There is absolutely no need to extract the files again to watch the movie!

One word of caution, sometime when winrar installs, it identifys .iso files as compressed archives, this is NOT correct.

You can change the settings by clicking on "options" then "settings", then click on the "Integration" tab, and remove the "check" from the ".iso" box.

an .iso is a disc image, not a compressed archive. This is a bug in WinRar.

I also suggest you check in your windows "folder options", and uncheck the "hide file extensions for know file types", as this will make it easier to know what type of files you have.


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  The UnUsual Suspect said:

One word of caution, sometime when winrar installs, it identifys .iso files as compressed archives, this is NOT correct.

You can change the settings by clicking on "options" then "settings", then click on the "Integration" tab, and remove the "check" from the ".iso" box.

an .iso is a disc image, not a compressed archive. This is a bug in WinRar.

WinRAR help states that "7Z, ACE, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, GZ, ISO, JAR, LZH, TAR, UUE, Z" ARE archives, and I agree with that (though not all of these files are less in size than unarchived one). The trick is that ISO9660 format is one of a lots used to make CD/DVD images, and letting WinRAR handle it will allow you copy single/some/all file(-s) to anywhere you want without mounting this .ISO image in your virtual drive. Seems handy to me, hence I have this option turned on.

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  Const2k said:

WinRAR help states that "7Z, ACE, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, GZ, ISO, JAR, LZH, TAR, UUE, Z" ARE archives, and I agree with that (though not all of these files are less in size than unarchived one). The trick is that ISO9660 format is one of a lots used to make CD/DVD images, and letting WinRAR handle it will allow you copy single/some/all file(-s) to anywhere you want without mounting this .ISO image in your virtual drive. Seems handy to me, hence I have this option turned on.

ISO is not commonly understood to be an archive when Joe Homebrew encounters it, unlike most of the others. WinRAR can do something sometimes useful with ISO files, but most people, most of the time, will not want that done. It definitely shouldn't default to that association. Have the option, maybe. But unless you do awfully specialized work, you aren't going to want that as the default association even if you do know what it's about.

Here's an ISO file. Which do you want to do with it more often? Extract something out of it, or mount it? For almost everybody, almost all the time, the answer is "mount it", even if that's just preparatory to burning it. For everyone else, almost all the time, the answer is still "mount it". Only if you're doing regular QC on production disks, or something like that, will you want the most common action to be "extract something from it."

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  kluelos said:

Here's an ISO file. Which do you want to do with it more often? Extract something out of it, or mount it? For almost everybody, almost all the time, the answer is "mount it", even if that's just preparatory to burning it. For everyone else, almost all the time, the answer is still "mount it". Only if you're doing regular QC on production disks, or something like that, will you want the most common action to be "extract something from it."

Nice. Fine. Great. Damn, you're right.

But what does it have in common with my message?

To quote myself:

  Const2k said:

...letting WinRAR handle it will allow you copy single/some/all file(-s) to anywhere...

...Seems handy to me, hence I have this option turned on.

1st: I say that because he'll be able to make motivated choice of why this option should (not) be enabled.

2nd: I'm talking about myself, and I don't insist him to do the same I did, unlike U.U.S.

Besides, I have Alcohol that mounts image via context menu on right-clicking it; double-clicking opens .iso file in WinRAR.

To sum up: if you don't like it, don't do it. But don't insist the others should do the the same. Let them decide for themselves.

*going away thinking about the meaning of "offtopic"*

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Thanks for the help .

Today i downloaded another Film and when it downloaded it didnt go in to my download folder so i right clicked and went to save torrent as . It saved to my documents and then when i went to right click the logo winRAR wasnt in the options so i went to WINRAR found the film file and then i went to extract the film and it only did 60 MB the film was 817 MB . Then the 60 MG wouldnt even play and didnt come up like my previous film - on the previous when i clicked the Book Logo the film played on this it opend and showed a different logo . One simalar to the bitcomet logo like a orange logo in the middle of a peice of paper .

Ps how can i

You can change the settings by clicking on "options" then "settings", then click on the "Integration" tab, and remove the "check" from the ".iso" box.

do this . Also check folder options .

New to computer :lol:

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Rampage, you're confusing the .torrent file with the contents of the torrent. They're very different things. That orange ball icon is the BitComet icon. When you double-click the file, BitComet should open it and add it to its task list of things to download. Only when it finishes will you have something you might be able to view.

You should probably create a directory somewhere just for .torrent files and save them all in it. That way, if you need to restart you'll know where to find the file.

Const2k, it's like ths:

TUUS: This is a bug in winrar

C2K: It's not a bug, it's a feature

KL: Behaviorally, it's a bug to most people.

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