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WOW 27 kb/sec!!!!

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Hello every one I'm new here and I hope I can be helpfull....

well now I need help and it's a huge problem that I'v been trying to solve with bitcomet and every bittorrent client.......

I have 27 kb/sec(down) which is obviously very slow so if any one could help that'd be appreciated here's my info:

I use Linksys (WAG54G)

I port forward it and nothing happend

my files has a lot of seeds and peers

my ISP is a phone company

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I have no idea what the Linksys is. is it modem or router?

Do you also use software firewall?

You need to have local and remote peers open and DHT is also very welcome - i think you need to open both TCP and UDP protocols for BitComet.

Check whether your listening port, open for BitComet, is really open by going there here, becuase until it's open you can't connect to remote peers. If it's not you need to check your port forwarding again.

Afterwards, you can check this torrent. It's very fast and if it uses max connection, it means you have probably configured BitComet properly.

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What is your max upload and download speeds provided by your isp?

Also, I suggest you run ONE very healthy torrent, and observe what your upload speeds are, then limit your max upload to about 80% of its adverage speed. This will allow some of your bandwidth to communicate with the tracker.

This seems to be the most common problem with bit torrent protocall.

Its kinda ironic since the first rule of bit torrent is the more you upload, the more download the tracker will send, but if your client is using all your bandwidth to upload, it will be slow to respond to the tracker, and you will recieve slow download.

The trick is to find out just how much upload you can provide without bogging down your client.

If you want a torrent to test with, I too will recommend some.


All torrents there are seeded by high speed servers, and will give you an accurate test of what your system can do.


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I have no idea what the Linksys is. is it modem or router?

it's a router

Do you also use software firewall?


You need to have local and remote peers open and DHT is also very welcome - i think you need to open both TCP and UDP protocols for BitComet.

did that! :(

Check whether your listening port, open for BitComet, is really open by going there here, becuase until it's open you can't connect to remote peers. If it's not you need to check your port forwarding again.

they said it's ok it's opend :unsure:

Afterwards, you can check this torrent. It's very fast and if it uses max connection, it means you have probably configured BitComet properly.

didn't understand the programe :huh:

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Well, first, it's OpenOffice, so what's to understand? If you understand what MSOffice does, then you understand what OpenOffice does.

Second, you dont' need to understand. It's a large, well-served torrent, so it's a great test of your connectivity. Doesn't MATTER what the content is, you're testing the download speed. Delete it after the download finishes, or install and use it instead of MSWord/Excel/Access/Powerpoint etc., it's up to you and beside the point.

The download will tell you what speed your properly configured hookup is capable of. It should be very fast, and if not, something's wrong, but just how fast will tell you what you need to know.

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I suggest you not reply to questions from within the "quotes", as its confusing to understand.

You can put each question in "quotes" by doing the following...

[quote]enter question here[/quote]

or by simply putting the others members inside "these"

It will make your reply easier to understand.


ps. if you prefer to test on a small download, there are a few small ones (30mb) at the site I posted.

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Well, first, it's OpenOffice, so what's to understand? If you understand what MSOffice does, then you understand what OpenOffice does.

Second, you dont' need to understand. It's a large, well-served torrent, so it's a great test of your connectivity. Doesn't MATTER what the content is, you're testing the download speed. Delete it after the download finishes, or install and use it instead of MSWord/Excel/Access/Powerpoint etc., it's up to you and beside the point.

The download will tell you what speed your properly configured hookup is capable of. It should be very fast, and if not, something's wrong, but just how fast will tell you what you need to know.

so it's a programe like the torrent clients?? :huh: (sorry I don't know MSO office :unsure: )

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I suggest you not reply to questions from within the "quotes", as its confusing to understand.

You can put each question in "quotes" by doing the following...

[quote]enter question here[/quote]

or by simply putting the others members inside "these"

It will make your reply easier to understand.


ps. if you prefer to test on a small download, there are a few small ones (30mb) at the site I posted.

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so it's a programe like the torrent clients?? :huh: (sorry I don't know MSO office :unsure: )

You are missing the whole point.

Just start the download to see if your speeds are good.

you DO NOT have to finish the download, and it doesn't matter what files/programs in includes.



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You are missing the whole point.

Just start the download to see if your speeds are good.

you DO NOT have to finish the download, and it doesn't matter what files/programs in includes.



oooh okay I'm sorry and thanks for your help

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You are missing the whole point.

Just start the download to see if your speeds are good.

you DO NOT have to finish the download, and it doesn't matter what files/programs in includes.



oooh okay I'm sorry and thanks for your help

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Please, don't cite the whole someone's message. At the bottom of window you have three buttons: Fast Replay, Add Replay, New Topic. If you want to answer just click Fast Replay or Add Replay. If you really need to cite someone just cite his main point.

No matter what the Open Office or MS Office are. If you want to know whether your connection is good you need to find very healthy torrent, because when you transfer is poor while you use fast, best and healthy torrent, it means that threre's something wrong with your connection.

If that torrent goes very fast and different torrents go very slow it means you've found poor torrents and you can do nothing with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi folks, and at last something for us duffers! Started this weekend with d/l speeds about 3 - 4 KBs, after a worrying two days when I had completely disabled my connection EXCEPT for BitComet and Soulseek now 120kBs!! (still not fast enough but....)

Thanks for the link to the warp factor type Star Trek torrent stream, to know that I CAN get this speed is V. reassuring.

Anyways, done all the port forwarding and stuff, have a so called 8Mb connection, nothing else being used, 120 KBs is my record. Surely should be 8142/8 ..... Or am I REALLY dim

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And or ps... Am I right in thinking that people using torrents for test purposes aren't a problem, as when they are DLing they are also ULing?? If not, wouldn't it be a good thing if there were torrents always available for testing

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That particular torrent is pretty much always available, since OpenOffice.org wants to distribute it as widely as they can. And when you consider that this is Sun's answer to Microsoft, don't worry about bogging down their servers. (Yawn, it's slowing down a little, time to pop another blade in the rack...)

You should be doing better than 120 KB/s, with that connection, but what it's advertised as and how it actually performs most of the time are two different things. There are many speed-test sites on the web, try one of them, following their instructions carefully, to find out what your up and down bandwidth is really like.

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