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Comet Forums
To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

My bit comet died ...

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  • 4 months later...

What do you mean the downloads wont start???

--- is this what your seeing next to the torrents?

Hi I am having a problem. I am running 0.68. I have tried installing 0.7 on three occassions but it always fails.

My problem is that my downloads have stopped downloading. BC reports that it is connected but there atre no seeds or peers showing and no upload/download.

The Log is as follows:


Default tracker optimization rules file loaded.

IP rules file: ipfilter.dat loaded, 0 entries.

Start Listening at TCP Port:21839

Start Listening at UDP Port:21839

BitComet 0.68 is running on:

CPU : AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 1666 MHz

RAM size : 767.53 MB

OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

Windows XP WF Status: TCP Port is not opened in Windows Firewall.

Windows XP WF Status: add TCP port in Windows Firewall Succeed.

Windows XP WF Status: UDP Port is not opened in Windows Firewall.

Windows XP WF Status: add UDP port in Windows Firewall Succeed.

Update Local IP:

Favourite sites file is updating from http://100.bitcomet.com/bitcomet/v0.64/fav/fav_en_us.xml

SearchPage file version checking . . . . up-to-dated now.

Preview_ad file version checking . . . . up-to-dated now.

Windows XP ICS Status: WAN IP: *******************

Windows XP ICS Status: TCP PortMapping Successfully Added.

Windows XP ICS Status: UDP PortMapping Successfully Added.

Favourite sites file updated to .C:\Program Files\BitComet\fav\fav_en_us.xml

Windows XP UPnP Status: Found 3Com ADSL 11g Router(WAN Con) [3Com Corporation] [http://www.3com.com/]

Windows XP UPnP Status: Found Service: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANEthernetLinkConfig:1

Windows XP UPnP Status: Error occur when Adding TCP Port Mapping!

Windows XP UPnP Status: Error occur when Adding UDP Port Mapping!

Windows XP UPnP Status: Found Service: WANPPPConnection

Windows XP UPnP Status: WAN IP:

Windows XP UPnP Status: TCP Port Mapping Existed!

Windows XP UPnP Status: UDP Port Mapping Existed!

Windows XP UPnP Status: Found Service: WANIPConnection

Windows XP UPnP Status: WAN IP:

Windows XP UPnP Status: TCP Port Mapping Existed!

Windows XP UPnP Status: UDP Port Mapping Existed!


Any ideas on the problem?

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