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Burning softwear help and decoding help


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Hello . Hope i have got the right place (forum part)

I have asked in general questons already about Nero but im confused about all the decoding is it needed after a film is downloaded of BitComet will it be needed to just put the film on to dvd to watch in my dvd player ?

ps what is the best softwear to use for burning (asked in anotherpart of forum) just trying to get an idea as i guess some people will come in this part of the forum then general as this part has more topics and seem to be more viewed

thanks .


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:D Nero it self is just "burning" software, i.e images, data, music, blah blah. If you have like Nero premium, or platium it will come with nerovision. Open nero vision up, select make a dvd, select dvd video, select add video, then select what video u want to encode to dvd format(TS video, vob). then nero will go through if u want to add menu, then various of things put a dvd in then in about 2 hrs you will have a burt DVD. Nerovison converts avi, etc. into "DVD Format". Some DVD players will play diffrent formates but more dont than do. There is of course of software but u mention Nero. Some people have mentioned DVD Shrink its a great tool but i use it copy DVDs. It allows u to select what u want on the copy, for example get rid of all the extras, all the extra subtitles so u can fit it on a single layer DVD without having to compress it so you dont loose any picture quality, or u can just compress it all and have all the menus , extras and what not but you give up picture quality. Just keep posting and we will get u burning like a pro

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So will dvd shrink do the decoding then dvd imagine the burning or do both do the 2 ?

dvd shrink basically takes a dvd and shrinks it to fit a standard dvd-r, yes it has to decode it if its copy protected, and it does a great job.

Imgburn just burns the dvd image, which will not be an iso if I recall

I set up a special folder for my dvd shrink files to go to, there will be some vob files etc and a image file

then use imgburn to burn the dvd

But if you are also talking about burning avi or similar files to a dvd, this is not the same

dvd santa will encode those files back to vob, but quality is not so good

get it at my blog http://my.opera.com/caf4926/blog/show.dml/75377

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So Rampage your best bet is to get a nero package that has nerovison. I know everybody has throw a million names of software which most of them dont even transcode and stuff ,but being new to burning and copying nero is your best bet, start with it then you will learn, people say nero sucks, and nero slow, it hog CPU , well it doesnt "suck " that bad if yo are learning(but it really dont suck that bad) to transcode to dvd format(for example avi to vob) yea it going to take a whilesf but there is no superfast transcoder out there anyway. You will be able to do everything u want with nero trust me. Now copy dvds is a diffrent story. for a diffrent thread. You have to get your di*k wet to f*ck, so jump in you wont hurt nothing,

PS. burn the disc slow dont be in a hurry to burn them more than not that will cause burning errors, other than that nerovision walks u thorugh it.. .. <_<

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