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About tfeifongwong

tfeifongwong's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Normally, if it will load faster torrent usual 30 kb - 50 kb, but the sooner the car value privent torret 10 kb -20 kb, only to be connectable yes or dmz will be slow at all. There are ways to make it load faster or slower for me because it privent torrent download for this torrent.
  2. Is the first program I loaded the torrent and now I still have no plan to remove this from even a few Because the torrent is shared with other people to download with. And 1. With the comment that the file is like some Or know what file it is good or bad time to do what. That here, because I like most other torrent programs do not see it. 2. Is set up as a virus scan with another torrent that no vegetable oil. Make my computer safe from threats to peace of mind of the files that do not know what's next, destroying machine com or not. Is like that because I like to bitcomet torrent other than it now has more new features require comment bitcomet more and more. And finally I said to a very cool, the best to be slow, but not outside of it good. :D
  3. Understand. But I hope to continue to develop. However, they frightened because the vip Honor. It's something that has no seed left vip is one of the pins that hold the file has finished loading, but it is not vip but i felt sorry for him to accept the pending Honor Of course it excellently. This is a simple small file but leave out a long time. Honor it, but I have one child, it is not a private torrent in any way.
  4. I was a member of bitcomet will want to know without having to pay a vip or not. Because I always try to accumulate points by that loyalty did not know then was canceled vip vip but the cumulative score already regret it. But still have to accumulate points anyway. I hope to be true roll vip without pay by the accumulated points, but I'm not up the p*** done, I like most is up but the anime or game ps2 only outside, it is not up at all points slower than the average person because never up of p***. But no matter when it's not up p*** is strictly prohibited.
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